What is Test & Tag?

Test and Tag is name given for testing and tagging electrical appliances.

During testing a technician will first visually inspect the cable for any faults within the external insulation of the cable. If none are found a electrical test is conducted. Different Electrical tests are conducted for the type of an appliance. If the appliance passes these tests a tag is applied with a retest date for when the electrical appliance is next due to be tested.

Why Test & Tag?

Although Test & Tag is not a legislative requirement. It is legally required you keep equipment electrically safe and maintained properly to ensure safe operation. Failure to ensure safety of a equipment can result in injuries or damage to property which the owner will be liable for if proper steps were not taken to ensure safety of electrical equipment.  The process of testing and tagging is a method of demonstrating that reasonably practicable steps have been taken to ensure the health and safety of people in the workplace.

Ryans Test and Tag only tests to AS/NZS 3760 which is set by Standards New Zealand


The Ministry of education requires schools to ensure safety of electrical appliances. Info can be found from the Ministry of Education website here: www.education.govt.nz

How much does Test & Tag Cost?

Test & Tag pricing varies due to location and the number of items. Industry standard is to expect an average of 15 items tested per hour.

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On Site

Building sites / contractor tools

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Tag Type

Tough Tag
Good for tools and equipment such as power tools, vacuum cleaners. Ultra durable for harsh conditions
From $4.5 excl gst
Regular Custom Tag
Custom printed tag with full database & Report. Custom Logo on request
From $4.0 excl gst
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Amount of items

The amount of items will affect your per Tag Price. Bulk Test discount will be applied for amounts over 50

Amount of Items

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Final cost

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